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[Transaction] klay_estimateComputationCost

Generates and returns an estimate of how much computation cost will be spent to execute the transaction. Klaytn limits the computation cost of a transaction to 100000000 currently not to take too much time by a single transaction. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain like klay_estimateGas

JSONRPC: klay_estimateComputationCost



    method stringrequired

    Default value: klay_estimateComputationCost

    Method name

    id int64required

    Default value: 1

    Request ID, Random or Auto incrementation

    jsonrpc stringrequired

    Default value: 2.0

    JSON-RPC Version (2.0)




  • Array [

  • CallObject


    The transaction call object. See the next table for the object's properties.

    from 20-byte DATA

    (optional) The address the transaction is sent from.

    to 20-byte DATA

    (optional when testing the deployment of a new contract) The address the transaction is directed to.

    gas hex

    (optional) Integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution. klay_call consumes zero gas, but this parameter may be needed by some executions.

    gasPrice hex

    (optional) Integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas.

    value hex

    (optional) Integer of the value sent with this transaction.

    input DATA

    (optional) Hash of the method signature and encoded parameters. It replaces data field, but 'data` field is still supported for backward compatibility.



    (optional) A block number, blockhash or the block tag string (latest or earliest). If omitted, latest will be used.



  • ]


Return the amount of computation cost used.


    jsonrpc stringrequired

    Default value: 2.0

    id int64required



    code int64required

    A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer.

    | code | message | description | |-----|-----|-------| | -32700 | Parse error | invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. | |-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |

    message string

    A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence.

    data string

    A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).

    result hex

    The amount of computation cost used.

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