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Interact with Contracts

In this section, you will be interacting with and sending a transaction to a simple contract deployed on Baobab using our newly created multisig wallet.


Step 1: Navigate to Remix

Step 2: Compile and deploy the sample storage contract.

The contract must first be deployed before you may interact with it in your multisig wallet. This sample contract contains a simple uint “number” variable that can be updated by calling the store method and retrieved by calling the retrieve method.

Step 3: Initiate a new transaction.

To interact with a smart contract in your safe wallet, click "New Transaction". To complete this step, you will need your already deployed contract address and ABI, as illustrated in the previous step.

Step 4: Review and submit the transaction. You will need to sign the transaction with your signer wallet, and it will be executed once the confirmation threshold is reached.

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