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[Gas] eth_feeHistory

Returns base fee per gas and transaction effective priority fee per gas history for the requested block range if available.

JSONRPC: eth_feeHistory



    method stringrequired

    Default value: eth_feeHistory

    Method name

    id int64required

    Default value: 1

    Request ID, Random or Auto incrementation

    jsonrpc stringrequired

    Default value: 2.0

    JSON-RPC Version (2.0)



  • Array [

  • BlockCount Hexadecimal

    Number of blocks in the requested range expressed as a hexidecimal number. Between 1 (0x1) and 1024 (0x400) blocks can be requested in a single query. Less than requested may be returned if not all blocks are available.





    RewardPercentiles float[]

    An array of floating point values between 0 and 100.

  • ]


Returns base fee per gas and transaction effective priority fee per gas history


    jsonrpc stringrequired

    Default value: 2.0

    id int64required



    code int64required

    A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer.

    | code | message | description | |-----|-----|-------| | -32700 | Parse error | invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. | |-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |

    message string

    A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence.

    data string

    A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).



    oldestBlock hexrequired

    Lowest number block of the returned range expressed as a hexidecimal number.

    baseFeePerGas Hexadecimal[]required

    An array of block base fees per gas. This includes the next block after the newest of the returned range, because this value can be derived from the newest block.

    gasUsedRatio float[]required

    An array of block gas used ratios. These are calculated as the ratio of gasUsed and gasLimit

    reward array[]required

    An array of effective priority fee per gas data points from a single block. All zeroes are returned if the block is empty.

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