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Install Endpoint Nodes

Download ​

You can download the latest version of the EN on Download page.


Linux Archive Distribution ​

The archive file consists of the executable binary and the configuration file structured as follows.

Note: Do NOT alter the file structure or file name. If you change it, the node may not function correctly.

- bin
|- ken
|- kend
- conf
|- kend.conf

File NameFile Description
bin/kenEN executable file
bin/kendEN start/termination script file
conf/kend.confEN configuration file

The installation is the uncompression of the downloaded package where you want to install the package.

$ tar zxf ken-vX.X.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz


$ tar zxf ken-baobab-vX.X.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Note: it is recommended that the uncompressed directory ken-linux-amd64/bin path should be added to the environment variable $PATH to run the ken and kend globally. As an example,

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/downloaded/path/ken-linux-amd64/bin

The other sections assume that the path is added to the variable.

RPM Distribution (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora) ​

You can install the downloaded RPM file with the following yum command.

$ yum install kend-vX.X.X.el7.x86_64.rpm


$ yum install kend-baobab-vX.X.X.el7.x86_64.rpm

Install from Klaytn Yum Repo ​

Alternatively, you can install kend from the Klaytn Yum repo, run:

$ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/klaytn.repo && sudo yum install kend

Installed Location ​

The installed files are located as follows.

File NameLocation

Configuration ​

The EN configuration is to create a data directory and to set up the environment variables on the configuration file kend.conf.

  1. Create the EN data directory.
  2. Configure the EN with kend.conf.

EN Data Directory Creation ​

Considering the fact that the size of Klaytn blockchain data keeps increasing, it is recommended to use a big enough storage. You need to create the directory on your desired path.

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/kend/data

Update the Configuration File ​

Configuration File Location:

  • For the archive distribution, the config directory location defaults to $INSTALL_PATH/ken-linux-amd64/conf/.
  • For the package distribution, the config directory defaults to /etc/kend/conf/.

Add Data Directory ​

You should update the the data directory environment variable $DATA_DIR on the configuration file kend.conf.


Fast Sync (Optional) ​

Each EN maintains a copy of the network's chain data. If a node is out of sync, it can obtain this data from other nodes in the network -- a process known as syncing. When a new EN is first started, it must download the entire chain data from the network.

To accelerate this process, you may perform a fast sync by downloading a snapshot of the chain data before starting the EN. This can dramatically reduce the time the EN will spend syncing on first start.

Download the latest chaindata snapshot from the Cypress snapshot archive or Baobab snapshot archive. Before starting kend, extract the snapshot inside the DATA_DIR you configured in kend.conf.

For example:

$ tar -C ~/kend_home -xvf klaytn-cypress-chaindata-latest.tar.gz


$ tar -C ~/kend_home -xvf klaytn-baobab-chaindata-latest.tar.gz

After the data is extracted, you may start the EN normally.

You can refer to detailed information in the Chaindata change

Startup the EN ​

You can start or stop the Endpoint Node using the following commands.


$ kend start
Starting kend: OK


$ kend stop
Shutting down kend: Killed


$ kend status
kend is running

Testing the Installation ​

It is time to check that Endpoint Node is successfully installed and it is working as expected after installation.

Process Status ​

It is possible to check the status of EN's process using the status commands systemctl and kend.

systemctl ​

systemctl is installed along with the RPM, and the status of EN can be checked as follows.

$ systemctl status kend.service
● kend.service - (null)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kend; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-01-09 11:42:39 UTC; 1 months 4 days ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 29636 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/kend start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 29641 (ken)
CGroup: /system.slice/kend.service
└─29641 /usr/local/bin/ken --networkid 1000 --datadir /kend_home --port 32323 --srvtype fasthttp --metrics --prometheus --verbosity 3
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal systemd[1]: Starting (null)...
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal kend[29636]: Starting kend: [ OK ]
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal systemd[1]: Started (null).

You can check the current status such as Active: active (running) in the example above.

kend ​

kend is installed along with the package, and the status of EN can be checked as follows.

$ kend status
kend is running

Logs ​

The log is stored in kend.out file located in the path defined in the LOG_DIR field of the kend.conf file. When the node works properly, you can see that each block is imported per second as follows.


$ tail kend.out
INFO[02/13,07:02:24 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572924 txs=0 elapsed=488.336Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.800ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572924 hash=f46d09…ffb2dc cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572925 txs=0 elapsed=460.485Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [35] πŸ”— block reached canonical chain number=11572919 hash=01e889…524f02
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [14] Committed address=0x1d4E05BB72677cB8fa576149c945b57d13F855e4 hash=1fabd3…af66fe number=11572925
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.777ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572925 hash=1fabd3…af66fe cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572926 txs=0 elapsed=458.665Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [14] Committed address=0x1d4E05BB72677cB8fa576149c945b57d13F855e4 hash=60b9aa…94f648 number=11572926
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.783ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572926 hash=60b9aa…94f648 cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [35] Commit new mining work

Queries ​

ken console ​

Klaytn provides a CLI client: ken console. Another way of using the client is to connect to the process via IPC (inter-process communication). The IPC file klay.ipc is located in the data directory on an EN.

Please execute the following command and check out the result.

$ ken attach /var/kend/data/klay.ipc
Welcome to the Klaytn JavaScript console!
instance: Klaytn/vX.X.X/XXXX-XXXX/goX.X.X
datadir: /var/kend/data
modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 governance:1.0 istanbul:1.0 klay:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0

You can check the usable commands on API Document

The useful APIs to check the status of EN:

  • klay.blockNumber (to get the latest block number)
  • net.peerCount (to get the number of the connected Klaytn nodes currently)

klay.blockNumber ​

You can get the latest block number to see if blocks are propagated properly.

> klay.blockNumber

net.peerCount ​

> net.peerCount

The above command line returns the number of nodes that the EN connects to.

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