call β [, defaultBlock] [, callback])
Executes a message call transaction, which is directly executed in the Klaytn Virtual Machine of the node, but never mined into the blockchain.
Name | Type | Description |
callObject | Object | A transaction object with the difference that for calls the from property is optional as well. An encoded function call must be set in the data field of the transaction object. |
defaultBlock | Number | String | (optional) If you pass this parameter, it will not use the default block set with caver.klay.defaultBlock. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns String
: The returned data of the call, e.g., a smart contract functions return value.
>{ to: "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe", // contract address data: "0xc6888fa10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003"}).then(console.log);"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a"
estimateGas β
caver.klay.estimateGas(callObject [, callback])
Executes a message call or transaction and returns the amount of the gas used for the simulated call/transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
callObject | Object | A transaction object with the difference that for calls the from property is optional as well. An encoded function call must be set in the data field of the transaction object. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Number
- the used gas for the simulated call/transaction.
> caver.klay.estimateGas({ to: "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe", data: "0xc6888fa10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003"}).then(console.log);40
estimateComputationCost β
caver.klay.estimateComputationCost(callObject [, defaultBlock] [, callback])
Generates and returns an estimate of how much computation cost will be spent to execute the transaction.
Klaytn limits the computation cost of a transaction to 100000000
currently not to take too much time by a single transaction.
The transaction will not be added to the blockchain.
Name | Type | Description |
callObject | Object | A transaction object with the difference that for calls the from property is optional as well. An encoded function call must be set in the data field of the transaction object. |
defaultBlock | Number | String | (optional) If you don't pass this parameter, the default block set by caver.klay.defaultBlock will be used. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Number
- The amount of computation cost used.
> caver.klay.estimateComputationCost({ to: '0xf796b2F18507Ec8F8C19e9F0c03092888093ebAc', data : '0xd14e62b80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022' }).then(console.log);0x5773// With 'latest' block tag> caver.klay.estimateComputationCost({ to: '0xf796b2F18507Ec8F8C19e9F0c03092888093ebAc', data : '0xd14e62b80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022' }, 'latest').then(console.log);0x5773
decodeTransaction β
Returns a transaction object containing all decoded values from the given rawTransaction
, an RLP-encoded transaction.
Since all transaction types except for legacy transaction can have multiple signatures of sender and fee payer, the existing returned fields v, r, s and payerV, payerR, payerS are the 0th signature of sender and fee payer.
NOTE caver.klay.decodeTransaction is supported from v1.0.1-rc.8. To use this feature, please install v1.0.1-rc.8 or higher.
NOTE To support multiple signature, signatures
and feePayerSignatures
properties have been added since caver-js v1.2.0-rc.3.
Name | Type | Description |
rawTransaction | String | RLP encoded transaction data. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
Object | A transaction object. Depending on the transaction type, the returned transaction object has different properties. For the list of properties included in each transaction type, see SendTransaction. |
// Basic Transaction> caver.klay.decodeTransaction('0xf86b038505d21dba00843b9ac9ff94d03227635c90c7986f0e3a4e551cefbca8c5531685174876e8008026a06fc7412ad1801b4790e7a5a5097fdbef01bc9fe1b970d08232184d110226c221a04665f772edbc4ba4dfbf189d89a9b9cb1e5cdcea0fd5a8b1a497b9c275e5267c'){ type: 'LEGACY', nonce: '0x03', gasPrice: '0x05d21dba00', gas: '0x3b9ac9ff', to: '0xd03227635c90c7986f0e3a4e551cefbca8c55316', value: '0x174876e800', data: '0x', v: '0x26', r: '0x6fc7412ad1801b4790e7a5a5097fdbef01bc9fe1b970d08232184d110226c221', s: '0x4665f772edbc4ba4dfbf189d89a9b9cb1e5cdcea0fd5a8b1a497b9c275e5267c', signatures: [ '0x26', '0x6fc7412ad1801b4790e7a5a5097fdbef01bc9fe1b970d08232184d110226c221', '0x4665f772edbc4ba4dfbf189d89a9b9cb1e5cdcea0fd5a8b1a497b9c275e5267c' ]}// Fee Delegation> caver.klay.decodeTransaction('0x09f8dd2c8505d21dba00830dbba094a36960d00c9cbf10e80928eead73ff308193bde70194ad8d5b8c7da3746df7de39c41fa572d660aa8e91f847f845824e43a099c0a4c85bb9f2c0be2646b963201680e2f76128e4fd1f54d3f9cf80d1d117e7a069b62aa6640c8aa3606a67869fe062dde1c61a60aea5c5161550ff11ee71c24b946a4b71a6796c2fd376fb0526385e0783da86a039f847f845824e43a0bdfdc50649c8f52930a330b2e44d92f8943b28c7ff7edd8ff7f2f95e617c0d77a06e96bdd983494f6967f1a26d2f0ae991a4e8ebef1ac3c9029251a18c19002ab3'){ type: 'FEE_DELEGATED_VALUE_TRANSFER', nonce: '0x2c', gasPrice: '0x05d21dba00', gas: '0x0dbba0', to: '0xa36960d00c9cbf10e80928eead73ff308193bde7', value: '0x01', from: '0xad8d5b8c7da3746df7de39c41fa572d660aa8e91', v: '0x4e43', r: '0x99c0a4c85bb9f2c0be2646b963201680e2f76128e4fd1f54d3f9cf80d1d117e7', s: '0x69b62aa6640c8aa3606a67869fe062dde1c61a60aea5c5161550ff11ee71c24b', signatures: [ [ '0x4e43', '0x99c0a4c85bb9f2c0be2646b963201680e2f76128e4fd1f54d3f9cf80d1d117e7', '0x69b62aa6640c8aa3606a67869fe062dde1c61a60aea5c5161550ff11ee71c24b' ] ], feePayer: '0x6a4b71a6796c2fd376fb0526385e0783da86a039', payerV: '0x4e43', payerR: '0xbdfdc50649c8f52930a330b2e44d92f8943b28c7ff7edd8ff7f2f95e617c0d77', payerS: '0x6e96bdd983494f6967f1a26d2f0ae991a4e8ebef1ac3c9029251a18c19002ab3', feePayerSignatures: [ [ '0x4e43', '0xbdfdc50649c8f52930a330b2e44d92f8943b28c7ff7edd8ff7f2f95e617c0d77', '0x6e96bdd983494f6967f1a26d2f0ae991a4e8ebef1ac3c9029251a18c19002ab3' ] ]}// Partial Fee Delegation> caver.klay.decodeTransaction('0x2af902ca0a8505d21dba00843b9ac9ff80809490b3e9a3770481345a7f17f22f16d020bccfd33eb901fe608060405234801561001057600080fd5b506101de806100206000396000f3006080604052600436106100615763ffffffff7c01000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000350416631a39d8ef81146100805780636353586b146100a757806370a08231146100ca578063fd6b7ef8146100f8575b3360009081526001602052604081208054349081019091558154019055005b34801561008c57600080fd5b5061009561010d565b60408051918252519081900360200190f35b6100c873ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff60043516610113565b005b3480156100d657600080fd5b5061009573ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff60043516610147565b34801561010457600080fd5b506100c8610159565b60005481565b73ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1660009081526001602052604081208054349081019091558154019055565b60016020526000908152604090205481565b336000908152600160205260408120805490829055908111156101af57604051339082156108fc029083906000818181858888f193505050501561019c576101af565b3360009081526001602052604090208190555b505600a165627a7a72305820627ca46bb09478a015762806cc00c431230501118c7c26c30ac58c4e09e51c4f0029802180f845f84325a0d8cdc1219df8bbca8a00255420a5bec0f602e6266b76ce7dcf5b0b26bd7fe3b9a05557496a3a17f784c3eb40acbb526dfbc20ae6b00c633a0186d804cd9137b13e9433f524631e573329a550296f595c820d6c65213ff845f84325a041a4c4bf0e3039d04472beae4135a14c26ae4c88bad08d5f0acf61f7c0eb60dfa03d1658f38e5c2089d64985fb33cb13db2e41cde6958ba2cfcfaba685a7f565e2'){ type: 'FEE_DELEGATED_SMART_CONTRACT_DEPLOY_WITH_RATIO', nonce: '0x0a', gasPrice: '0x05d21dba00', gas: '0x3b9ac9ff', to: '0x', value: '0x', from: '0x90b3e9a3770481345a7f17f22f16d020bccfd33e', data: '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', humanReadable: false, feeRatio: '0x21', codeFormat: '0x', v: '0x25', r: '0xd8cdc1219df8bbca8a00255420a5bec0f602e6266b76ce7dcf5b0b26bd7fe3b9', s: '0x5557496a3a17f784c3eb40acbb526dfbc20ae6b00c633a0186d804cd9137b13e', signatures: [ [ '0x25', '0xd8cdc1219df8bbca8a00255420a5bec0f602e6266b76ce7dcf5b0b26bd7fe3b9', '0x5557496a3a17f784c3eb40acbb526dfbc20ae6b00c633a0186d804cd9137b13e' ] ], feePayer: '0x33f524631e573329a550296f595c820d6c65213f', payerV: '0x25', payerR: '0x41a4c4bf0e3039d04472beae4135a14c26ae4c88bad08d5f0acf61f7c0eb60df', payerS: '0x3d1658f38e5c2089d64985fb33cb13db2e41cde6958ba2cfcfaba685a7f565e2', feePayerSignatures: [ [ '0x25', '0x41a4c4bf0e3039d04472beae4135a14c26ae4c88bad08d5f0acf61f7c0eb60df', '0x3d1658f38e5c2089d64985fb33cb13db2e41cde6958ba2cfcfaba685a7f565e2' ] ]}
getTransaction β
caver.klay.getTransaction(transactionHash [, callback])
Returns a transaction matching the given transaction hash.
Name | Type | Description |
transactionHash | String | The transaction hash. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Object
- A transaction object, or null
when no transaction was found:
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. null when it is pending. |
blockNumber | QUANTITY | Block number where this transaction was in. null when it is pending. |
codeFormat | String | (optional) The code format of smart contract code. |
feePayer | 20-byte DATA | (optional) Address of the fee payer. |
feePayerSignatures | Array | (optional) An array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
feeRatio | QUANTITY | (optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender. |
from | 20-byte DATA | Address of the sender. |
gas | QUANTITY | Gas provided by the sender. |
gasPrice | QUANTITY | Gas price provided by the sender in peb. |
hash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the transaction. |
humanReadable | Boolean | (optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable. |
key | String | (optional) Key of the newly created account. |
input | DATA | (optional) The data sent along with the transaction. |
nonce | QUANTITY | The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. |
senderTxHash | 32-byte DATA | (optional) Hash of the tx without the fee payer's address and signature. This value is always the same as the value of hash for non fee-delegated transactions. |
signatures | Array | An array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
to | 20-byte DATA | Address of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction. |
transactionIndex | QUANTITY | Integer of the transaction index position in the block. null when it is pending. |
type | String | A string representing the type of the transaction. |
typeInt | QUANTITY | An integer representing the type of the transaction. |
value | QUANTITY | Value transferred in peb. |
> caver.klay.getTransaction('0x2d26f602cfbb4c662931592bf2c4ee18d29f09683be5b9e8d589ff935fca0b97') .then(console.log);{ blockHash: '0xd6f3bc2bd7853ed423677766b5332c3e55d900abf4252ede196661cd58e817a6', blockNumber: 141766, from: '0x8948Ab8526fDA9a7349Ee8FCa5372e46d0268777', gas: 20000000, gasPrice: '25000000000', hash: '0x2d26f602cfbb4c662931592bf2c4ee18d29f09683be5b9e8d589ff935fca0b97', input: '0x', nonce: 8, signatures:[{ V: '0xfe9', R: '0x76a0ac07a371fe3849f46a115d62830e611e62fab91714bb66fe18a937557666', S: '0x1daace52366434ab11287d4f5ebe9c87f314e45d13f05093bbcdd5862fcf462e' }], to: '0x2259cFDae62F9853f84298aAf20C999391B1c6a3', transactionIndex: 0, type: 'TxTypeLegacyTransaction', typeInt: 0, value: '1' }
getTransactionBySenderTxHash β
caver.klay.getTransactionBySenderTxHash(senderTxHash [, callback])
Returns the information about the transaction identified by the given senderTxHash
Please note that this API returns correct result only if the indexing feature is enabled in the node by --sendertxhashindexing
Use isSenderTxHashIndexingEnabled to check if the indexing feature is enabled or not.
Name | Type | Description |
senderTxHash | String | Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Object
- A transaction object, or null
when no transaction was found:
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. null when it is pending. |
blockNumber | QUANTITY | Block number where this transaction was in. null when it is pending. |
codeFormat | String | (optional) The code format of smart contract code. |
feePayer | 20-byte DATA | Address of the fee payer. |
feePayerSignatures | Array | An array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
feeRatio | QUANTITY | (optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender. |
from | 20-byte DATA | Address of the sender. |
gas | QUANTITY | Gas provided by the sender. |
gasPrice | QUANTITY | Gas price provided by the sender in peb. |
hash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the transaction. |
humanReadable | Boolean | (optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable. |
key | String | (optional) Key of the newly created account. |
input | DATA | (optional) The data sent along with the transaction. |
nonce | QUANTITY | The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. |
senderTxHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash. This value is always the same as hash for non fee-delegated transactions. |
signatures | Array | An array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
to | 20-byte DATA | Address of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction. |
transactionIndex | QUANTITY | Integer of the transaction index position in the block. null when it is pending. |
type | String | A string representing the type of the transaction. |
typeInt | QUANTITY | An integer representing the type of the transaction. |
value | QUANTITY | Value transferred in peb. |
> caver.klay.getTransactionBySenderTxHash('0x8c0b092fed92a6619666efd582f7d71fbc3d784781072dd26741715b3731ab22').then(console.log);{ blockHash: '0x56e950bd9283c11ad2dab7cfcbacd9164aff2f6cbeb99dd2a7b754eb210753af', blockNumber: 773, codeFormat: '0x0', feePayer: '0xabae1fe62aebbfabeff072eb815d54c3359a45f4', feePayerSignatures: [ { V: '0x4e43', R: '0x16293eefe0f13228ae47af67ecfe659448d8f80d9667a67a25d82c72b5ee246a', S: '0x3c4043324bee41a6cbab905d3b4e740a3a18fde021260fc1196f73d2ab037b91' } ], feeRatio: '0x14', from: '0x3F0E31836C7AABb4C9e9B19d5D61359a9139E949', gas: 900000, gasPrice: '25000000000', hash: '0x2ab7665d25f8f64969fa03b8d5e40a70485bb56a4e72ca2fe1e467fff904c173', humanReadable: false, input: '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', nonce: 9, senderTxHash: '0x8c0b092fed92a6619666efd582f7d71fbc3d784781072dd26741715b3731ab22', signatures: [ { V: '0x4e43', R: '0x1b48ee0508d242c9568d7e09212d62137080d68d86c1d067b31b4bb4196c9960', S: '0x24982f60b37859d7c39d7bd9c00b446196b3a08b27f80dbc9ceca8ee52513b11' } ], to: null, transactionIndex: 0, type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio', typeInt: 42, value: '1'}
getTransactionFromBlock β
caver.klay.getTransactionFromBlock(hashStringOrNumber, indexNumber [, callback])
Returns a transaction based on a block hash or number and the transactions index position.
Name | Type | Description |
hashStringOrNumber | String | A block number or hash. Or the string "genesis" or "latest" . |
indexNumber | Number | The transactions index position. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
- A transaction object, see caver.klay.getTransaction
> caver.klay.getTransactionFromBlock('0x4534534534', 2).then(console.log);// see caver.klay.getTransaction
getTransactionReceipt β
caver.klay.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash [, callback])
Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
Name | Type | Description |
transactionHash | String | The transaction hash |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Object
- A transaction receipt object, or null
when no receipt was found:
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | 32-byte String | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. |
blockNumber | Number | Block number where this transaction was in. |
codeFormat | String | (optional) The code format of smart contract code. |
contractAddress | DATA | The contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null . |
feePayer | 20-byte DATA | (optional) Address of the fee payer. |
feePayerSignatures | Array | (optional) An array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
feeRatio | QUANTITY | (optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender. |
from | 20-byte DATA | Address of the sender. |
gas | QUANTITY | Gas provided by the sender. |
gasPrice | QUANTITY | Gas price provided by the sender in peb. |
gasUsed | QUANTITY | The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone. |
humanReadable | Boolean | (optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable. |
key | String | (optional) Key of the newly created account. |
input | DATA | (optional) The data sent along with the transaction. |
logs | Array | Array of log objects, which this transaction generated. |
logsBloom | 256-byte DATA | Bloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs. |
nonce | QUANTITY | The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. |
senderTxHash | 32-byte DATA | (optional) Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash. This value is always the same as transactionHash for non fee-delegated transactions. |
signatures | Array | An array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
status | Boolean | true if the transaction was successful, false if the Klaytn Virtual Machine reverted the transaction. |
txError | QUANTITY | (optional) detailed error code if status is equal to zero. |
to | 20-byte DATA | Address of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction. |
transactionHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the transaction. |
transactionIndex | QUANTITY | Integer of the transaction index position in the block. |
type | String | A string representing the type of the transaction. |
typeInt | QUANTITY | An integer representing the type of the transaction. |
value | QUANTITY | Value transferred in peb. |
> caver.klay.getTransactionReceipt('0x9108f22693de7b16ece4db2c8d11c004feae31973acc2ecb9dbd61cd57bb0d7b') .then(console.log);{ blockHash: '0x62f0b4e4d2c0fdeda968bf82688a6b4426fb0b75c83ebd39a04633e087060f00', blockNumber: 140949, contractAddress: null, from: '0x8948ab8526fda9a7349ee8fca5372e46d0268777', gas: '0x1312d00', gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00', gasUsed: 21000, input: '0x', logs: [], logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', nonce: '0x6', signatures: [{ V:'0xfe9', R:'0x95e5fc90a27b4a364f4047072474147fb8885213acbc4ac89902da28ddea3931', S:'0xeebe7d37c047f6a7b841da5c6ff2849eb6f99b689666da30f48b60a12028e59' }], status: true, to: '0x2259cfdae62f9853f84298aaf20c999391b1c6a3', transactionHash: '0x9108f22693de7b16ece4db2c8d11c004feae31973acc2ecb9dbd61cd57bb0d7b', transactionIndex: 0, type: 'TxTypeLegacyTransaction', typeInt: 0, value: '0x1'}
getTransactionReceiptBySenderTxHash β
caver.klay.getTransactionReceiptBySenderTxHash(senderTxHash [, callback])
Returns the receipt of a transaction identified by the given senderTxHash
NOTE: The receipt is not available for pending transactions.
Please note that this API returns correct result only if the indexing feature is enabled in the node by --sendertxhashindexing
This can be checked by calling isSenderTxHashIndexingEnabled.
Name | Type | Description |
senderTxHash | String | Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Object
- A transaction receipt object, or null
when no receipt was found:
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | 32-byte String | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. |
blockNumber | Number | Block number where this transaction was in. |
codeFormat | String | (optional) The code format of smart contract code. |
contractAddress | DATA | The contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null . |
feePayer | 20-byte DATA | Address of the fee payer. |
feePayerSignatures | Array | An array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
feeRatio | QUANTITY | (optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender. |
from | 20-byte DATA | Address of the sender. |
gas | QUANTITY | Gas provided by the sender. |
gasPrice | QUANTITY | Gas price provided by the sender in peb. |
gasUsed | QUANTITY | The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone. |
humanReadable | Boolean | (optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable. |
key | String | (optional) Key of the newly created account. |
input | DATA | (optional) The data sent along with the transaction. |
logs | Array | Array of log objects, which this transaction generated. |
logsBloom | 256-byte DATA | Bloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs. |
nonce | QUANTITY | The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. |
senderTxHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash. This value is always the same as transactionHash for non fee-delegated transactions. |
signatures | Array | An array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s. |
status | Boolean | true if the transaction was successful, false if the Klaytn Virtual Machine reverted the transaction. |
txError | QUANTITY | (optional) detailed error code if status is equal to zero. |
to | 20-byte DATA | Address of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction. |
transactionHash | 32-byte DATA | Hash of the transaction. |
transactionIndex | QUANTITY | Integer of the transaction index position in the block. |
type | String | A string representing the type of the transaction. |
typeInt | QUANTITY | An integer representing the type of the transaction. |
value | QUANTITY | Value transferred in peb. |
> caver.klay.getTransactionReceiptBySenderTxHash('0x8c0b092fed92a6619666efd582f7d71fbc3d784781072dd26741715b3731ab22').then(console.log);{ blockHash: '0x56e950bd9283c11ad2dab7cfcbacd9164aff2f6cbeb99dd2a7b754eb210753af', blockNumber: 773, codeFormat: '0x0', contractAddress: '0x71163abc3b051bC2Af71e7c68eD0ffeA6182cde1', feePayer: '0xabae1fe62aebbfabeff072eb815d54c3359a45f4', feePayerSignatures: [ { V: '0x4e43', R: '0x16293eefe0f13228ae47af67ecfe659448d8f80d9667a67a25d82c72b5ee246a', S: '0x3c4043324bee41a6cbab905d3b4e740a3a18fde021260fc1196f73d2ab037b91' } ], feeRatio: '0x14', from: '0x3f0e31836c7aabb4c9e9b19d5d61359a9139e949', gas: '0xdbba0', gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00', gasUsed: 235217, humanReadable: false, input: '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', logs: [], logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', nonce: '0x9', senderTxHash: '0x8c0b092fed92a6619666efd582f7d71fbc3d784781072dd26741715b3731ab22', signatures: [ { V: '0x4e43', R: '0x1b48ee0508d242c9568d7e09212d62137080d68d86c1d067b31b4bb4196c9960', S: '0x24982f60b37859d7c39d7bd9c00b446196b3a08b27f80dbc9ceca8ee52513b11' } ], status: true, to: null, transactionHash: '0x2ab7665d25f8f64969fa03b8d5e40a70485bb56a4e72ca2fe1e467fff904c173', transactionIndex: 0, type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio', typeInt: 42, value: '0x1'}
sendSignedTransaction β
caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction(signedTransactionData [, callback])
Sends an already signed transaction, generated using caver.klay.accounts.signTransaction
NOTE caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction
can accepts an object as a parameter since caver-js v1.2.0. The object should include an RLP-encoded transaction string or should be an unencoded transaction object with signatures/feePayerSignatures. You can pass the returning object from caver.klay.accounts.signTransaction, caver.klay.accounts.feePayerSignTransaction, caver.klay.accounts.getRawTransactionWithSignatures or caver.klay.accounts.combineSignatures.
Name | Type | Description |
signedTransactionData | String | Object | An RLP-encoded signed transaction string, an object that has the RLP-encoded signed transaction string in its rawTransaction property, or an unencoded transaction object with signatures/feePayerSignatures attached to it. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
PromiEvent | A promise combined event emitter. Will be resolved when the transaction receipt is available. |
For PromiEvent, the following events are available:
: Is fired right after the transaction is sent and a transaction hash is available."receipt"
: Is fired when the transaction receipt is available."error"
: Is fired if an error occurs during sending. On an out-of-gas error, the second parameter is the receipt.
// sendSignedTransaction using promise with RLP encoded signed transaction stringcaver.klay.sendSignedTransaction('0xf867808505d21dba0083015f9094247f2b7e9a9c51ebcc9449c7d9e7575f9baac36e0180824e43a02e50f5c4d279e17a80c3fe98327de7e48878e9d8141d26759ef64adcf66e6aa0a02ae9e8beac1ba8d5d215d87c33f9e05263b0bad163706c9dd7a563ee1e028f41').then(function(receipt){ ...})// sendSignedTransaction using promise with returning object from caver.klay.accounts.signTransactioncaver.klay.sendSignedTransaction({ messageHash: '0x2378aeb6439f43597e30df4937f59eb13c98e502bb03babcebb39bf602cd8d73', v: '0x4e43', r: '0x9fc6cfd3d7c35794ab373c8d7f15746f1f4fa94c80e31270eea31977f20aaa9a', s: '0x762343c55f7c1de87e5877887b9d10ed93b16666f4bdbc525aeee1f23fb53457', rawTransaction: '0xf867018505d21dba0083015f9094cdba9992ffd79b12ce68905db40bf5e873b1a43e0180824e43a09fc6cfd3d7c35794ab373c8d7f15746f1f4fa94c80e31270eea31977f20aaa9aa0762343c55f7c1de87e5877887b9d10ed93b16666f4bdbc525aeee1f23fb53457', txHash: '0x3d598805e1565ba5c4a1d2b708aff9825562d903bef4301ef22564253c6779bf', senderTxHash: '0x3d598805e1565ba5c4a1d2b708aff9825562d903bef4301ef22564253c6779bf', signatures: [ '0x4e43', '0x9fc6cfd3d7c35794ab373c8d7f15746f1f4fa94c80e31270eea31977f20aaa9a', '0x762343c55f7c1de87e5877887b9d10ed93b16666f4bdbc525aeee1f23fb53457', ],}).then(function(receipt){ ...})// sendSignedTransaction using promise with a transaction object that has signaturescaver.klay.sendSignedTransaction({ type: 'LEGACY', from: '0x73647c5fd1a66fac0dbf2af2e5cc7f593a015441', to: '0x82c5b8f3ae5c08eeb64a1af0ce89cb5233b05c6c', value: '0x1', gas: '0x15f90', gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00', nonce: '0x2', signatures: [ '0x4e43', '0x077b0ec1dd5dd66ffbf7d779b08bed6166ec1b0269d85a3901dbfb55331216de', '0x23b7565fa994ba3f88290de9b7f6b6b975f2ad9c19ce1ffc4752ecbc51b6c274', ],}).then(function(receipt){ ...})// sendSignedTransaction using promise with a fee delegated transaction object that has signatures and feePayerSignaturescaver.klay.sendSignedTransaction({ type: 'FEE_DELEGATED_VALUE_TRANSFER', from: '0x73647c5fd1a66fac0dbf2af2e5cc7f593a015441', to: '0x73f9b11bd22fde3ec543f3fcbdc39fc40a942bf7', value: '0x1', gas: '0x15f90', gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00', chainId: '0x2710', nonce: '0x3', humanReadable: false, feePayer: '0xebcd0271c4f8d2a84a33e073a5c9bcdb6bafc556', signatures: [ [ '0x4e44', '0x41dfab76e0fdcdb5c4cd4dbe39861029d8c7f156f9dd10e8292625492943e689', '0x789f1bfc42a96366ea0bdc6727410a661fe8300cdf57889316c25aa873a5b85c', ], ], feePayerSignatures: [ [ '0x4e44', '0x833031cb1d709a408f1c3b83cea88671d9d86f7550101e4e7221507a39dcd462', '0x03f1d8003513b038195c6d798623d5bb132a93e7f2f0a2c302079b92858ea8e7', ], ],}).then(function(receipt){ ...})// sendSignedTransaction using event emitter with RLP encoded signed transaction string> caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction('0xf867068505d21dba0083015f90940fd7697a8b9a46b0f770a3986e8a10b6ad6fffe10180824e44a0e591e4cbf4bdada2e559ce5b9c7b604c50d3b1d7d5a29939091bcc8ad4208aa3a01ef917ec539aa79b32a043b452e81840ea012796895cd5925273fd8df139595f').on('transactionHash', function(hash){ ...}).on('receipt', function(receipt){ ...}).on('error', console.error)
sendTransaction β
- sendTransaction (Legacy)
- sendTransaction (VALUE_TRANSFER)
- sendTransaction (VALUE_TRANSFER_MEMO)
- sendTransaction (ACCOUNT_UPDATE)
- sendTransaction (SMART_CONTRACT_DEPLOY)
- sendTransaction (CANCEL)
- sendTransaction (FEE_DELEGATED_CANCEL)
signTransaction β
caver.klay.signTransaction(transactionObject [, callback])
Signs a transaction. This account needs to be unlocked.
Name | Type | Description |
transactionObject | Object | The transaction data to sign. |
callback | Function | (optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second. |
Return Value
returns Object
- The RLP encoded transaction. The raw
property can be used to send the transaction using caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction.
> caver.klay.signTransaction({ nonce: 0, from: "0xEB014f8c8B418Db6b45774c326A0E64C78914dC0", gasPrice: '25000000000', gas: "21000", to: '0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535', value: "1000000000000000000", data: ""}).then(console.log);{ raw: '0xf86c808504a817c800825208943535353535353535353535353535353535353535880de0b6b3a76400008025a04f4c17305743700648bc4f6cd3038ec6f6af0df73e31757007b7f59df7bee88da07e1941b264348e80c78c4027afc65a87b0a5e43e86742b8ca0823584c6788fd0', tx: { nonce: '0x0', gasPrice: '25000000000', gas: '0x5208', to: '0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', input: '0x', v: '0x25', r: '0x4f4c17305743700648bc4f6cd3038ec6f6af0df73e31757007b7f59df7bee88d', s: '0x7e1941b264348e80c78c4027afc65a87b0a5e43e86742b8ca0823584c6788fd0', hash: '0xda3be87732110de6c1354c83770aae630ede9ac308d9f7b399ecfba23d923384' }}