
APIs used to inspect and debug node state and blockchain data at run time.

The namespace debug gives you access to several non-standard RPC methods, which will allow you to inspect, debug and set certain debugging flags at run time.

NOTE Some debug namespace APIs are unsafe/unappropriate to be opened to public. We recommend you to provide the debug namespace APIs to authorized users only. However, if you want to maintain a public EN and provide debug namespace APIs to the public, we strongly recommend you to set the rpc.unsafe-debug.disable flag which will disable APIs that are unsafe/unappropriate to be opened to the public and enable only a subset of the debug namespace APIs. The enabled APIs are as follows:

  • VM Tracing APIs, however with limited functionality (only pre-defined tracers are allowed)

  • debug_dumpBlock, debug_dumpStateTrie, debug_getBlockRlp, debug_getModifiedAccountsByHash, debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber, debug_getBadBlocks, debug_getModifiedStorageNodesByNumber

  • debug_metrics

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